Monday, February 1, 2010

Ok, so I sold the hightray...

I really just wanted to get it out of here. We have so much crap, and this weekend was a bad time for a yard sale. We got rained out Friday, it was rainy and near freezing Saturday, and there were tiny flurries on Sunday. Hey, it was the most money I've made in 3 months, so it wasn't all bad.

I have play-doh in my pants, play-doh in my pants, oh yeah.....Eyeeeeee wanna wok n woll all niiiight, and pawty erery day....I have play-doh in my pants....wok n woll.....this is the battle of the bands going on at the kitchen table. The Loud One has play-doh in his pants, on his pants, on his shirt and a pile of it under his chair, damn ice cream station. It looked good in the box, then I realized it makes sprinkles, but you need the strength of 10 men to do it. Read: I can barely push the thing down and get it hooked so they can spin the wheel for 2 seconds and send play-doh flying around the kitchen. So, I say it's broken. There are a lot of broken things in my house, so many, that the kids don't even ask me to change batteries. They wait for Daddy to come home and do it. So, the Kitty wants to rock 'n roll all night and party everyday because it is on this kid's Halloween CD we have (and still listen to everyday, yes, I'm aware it is February). She really takes the anthem to heart, she was up until 2 am last night, and with a 20 minute power nap she made it until midnight. See, the problem was that her blanket was broken. This happens a lot, so I said we needed to get a new blanket because it keeps breaking. She stayed in bed.

Thank goodness for The Loud One's eagle eye sight and sense of direction, we would probably still be driving around Stockbridge looking for 'the baby store.' I put the address of 'Pon-e CHI' (Once Upon A Child) into my Tom Tom, but it was tucked back in a strip and we had to go searching. He spotted it and informed I was going the wrong way, like I always do. He's the Looker Man, and the smartest kid in the block, he says. (I agree)

The Kitty will now let me put her hair in 2 ponytails, it used to be off limits and when I would ask if she wanted ponytails her answer would be, "I'll cry." However, they must stick out in Pippy Longstocking fashion, straight out so when she shakes her head (as kitties often do) she can hit herself in the face with them and giggle.

I love my life and I love that we are strange (I only realize it after I get a look or think, huh, that was weird). I give no second thought about talking or singing with my kids in public and today I called across the store to "Mr. Goose," as I often call The Loud One, and he came running. The Kitty is very shy but loves to follow her brother, so she followed him to the play spot, but then freaked and starting crying and running back to me (the store is small) when I picked her up and wiped her tears, she smiled and said, "Meow." I smiled and meowed back, as I stood next to a lady and searched thru the rack of girl's 24 months.

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