Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Randomness...and it's only noon!

We passed a cemetery and The Loud One had to point it out. He's very concerned about death and always talks about dying...like his dream the other night was about robots farting in our noses and making us die, but anyway....we talked about the difference between headstones and graves. Soon we passed another cemetery and he was like, "Another graveyard? All these graves are freaking me out!!!"

The rule in our house is that if you poop or pee in a diaper (or your pants), you have to put it in the trash. The Kitty likes to test her limits, so she sometimes refuses. I then send her to her room and when she's ready to make the long trip thru the kitchen to the trash, she can come out. This can be an hour long process where she tried to weasel her way out of it. As she gave up today, she walked over and picked up the diaper, looked me in the eye and with her meanest face on, she said, "Ok, I'll throw it away, but don't even think about me throwing your poo-poo in the trash!!"

The kids are obsessed with boo-tays, poo-poo and farts. After lots of fart and boo-tay jokes, I told The Loud One that it wasn't funny ALL THE TIME. He thought for a minute, then said, "Then why do I laugh every time?" My only answer, "because you're a boy."

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