Thursday, January 28, 2010

I will not sell the hightray....

My kids call the highchair the hightray, I don't know why, but I don't correct them because I think it's cute. I told John we will not sell it in the yardsale, but then I recanted. There are no more babies in my house and oddly, I am sad. The Kitty is potty training, and The Loud One will be 5, but he looks like he's 7, so no one wants the hightray but me. We'll see.

I guess The Loud One gets it from me, but we had an early yard sale shopper--a weirdo from Cragislist that had to work all weekend, and she was looking at a remote controlled motorcycle I got him for his 2nd birthday. It's been in the garage for over a year and a half and he's suddenly in love again. The lady said, "I like your motorcyle," to which he responded, "It costs $100!!!" Maybe that's what I'll say about the hightray.

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