Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So here we go....

After some gentle nudging from my friends on Facebook (thanks, Amanda, Stacey) , this blog is beginning.

My status updates are usually crazy things that the kids say or do--they just crack me up. The Loud One will be 5 soon, and as he puts it, "he's very curious." He freaks at the sight of blood because he is convinced he will bleed to death, hates water in his eyes (he wears a bucket over his head in the shower (his "shower helmet" invention), can work youtube by himself, loves everything dinosaurs and prefers to be read reference books. The Kitty just turned 2 and hates anything associated with sleep. She will eat almost anything, broccoli, salami, onions, blueberries, supreme pizzas and she has a severe addiciton to candy--once she understood the concept of Halloween and the free candy, it's all she thinks about. I think she began talking as soon as she was born, and one of her first sentences was, "I don't want to."

So, between the two of them, I have plenty of things to talk about!!! And this way, I don't have to worry if I am boring someone by incessantly talking about how funny my kids are, you don't have to read it. Although, my kids are the funniest, so I don't know who would be bored, maybe some kid hater, I guess.

It is "rest time" now, calling it "nap time" evokes a lot of nastiness I don't want to deal with. Sometimes, they fall asleep, sometimes not, but I get a chance to watch Criminal Minds or The Bachelor or Tough Love or the other 200 shows that fill my DVR. As I type this The Loud One and The Kitty have been taking turns coming in to tattle/inform me his feet are sweaty, he is out of bed, she's eating popcorn off the floor, she bumped her ankle on the bed and needs me to kiss it, his pants pockets are much for rest time, and my poor DVR--it just may explode.


  1. Yay! I am so glad that you are here! I am trying to figure out how I can follow you from my BlackBerry... If I am to be expected to sit at a real computer every time I read your blog, this may be a short relationship!

  2. Awesome! I hope to one day have enough time to sit down and write another post on my blog, but for now it's horribly neglected. :(

  3. I was totally trying to figure this out from my iPod touch, but I can't find an app for that. I thought there was an app for everything?
