Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Magic School Bus

We've been waiting for this for 3 years...riding the school bus!!!! Now The Loud One gets to ride one. Like a good Mommy, I've been secretly nursing a heartache while being so excited about school.

You see, The Loud One gets homesick and although he loves to stay with cousin Sir-Breaks-A-Lot, he sometimes gets sad and wants to come home. We tried preschool when he was 3 and he went 3 days a week for 6 weeks, he cried everyday at drop off and pick up. I couldn't even take him, I made Daddy do it. It never got any better, so we took him out and he was ecstatic.

Fast forward 2 years and he still gets homesick, but he's excited about school. He's a sweet, sensitive boy and I don't want anyone to hurt his feelings, EVER. I want to be there to show everyone how great he is and help him and make friends. I want to help get him settled and make sure he listens and can open his Go-gurt. You see, I'm a helicopter parent on the inside, but try to keep it under wraps. I love him, but I know he needs to be his own person, and I think that's why he's so awesome. And he wants to ride the bus. Please, don't let him cry, don't let him see me cry, this is my daily mantra.

The first day of school sneaks up on me and The Loud One couldn't be happier! I got teary eyed when I watched him button his own shorts. He looked and me and asked, "What?!" I totally understand why our parents continue to treat us like children, it's hard to imagine they can be self sufficient. One minute they need you to put on their shoes and the next they're about to get on a giant school bus alone. We got to the bus stop super early and we met some new friends. So far, so good. Then the bus came...please don't let him cry, please don't cry yet, wait until the bus leaves...he ran for his backpack and straight for the bus!! No hug, no good-bye and he didn't even look back.

My little boy had the confidence of a big kid. All my fears disappeared. Oh, I still cried. I gave Kitty a piggy back ride and walked slightly in front of Daddy so they didn't see and I cried the entire .2 miles home. I cried because I missed him, I missed the baby and I was proud of the big boy he was.

After waiting impatiently for hours for the bus to get back, he got off and looked mad. Uh-oh. Please don't let him cry, please don't let me cry...

"How was you day?!" we all asked excitedly
"Well, it wasn't very exciting."
"Why not?"
"I just wish I could go back."
"You can tomorrow, Bubba-loo."
"Oh!" he said excitedly, "I just thought it was for today!"

He wants to go back! I've done my job, I just wish it would all slow down. I still have Kitty, but she's potty trained and going on 13. I no longer have babies...oh, wait, they're fighting over who gets to drive the pretend train made of books. I still have time.


  1. love it. My favorite entry to date.

  2. I am unashamedly crying with you. I have one week left before Kindergarten and no school bus. Thank God there's no school bus!

  3. This is an awesome post!!! I wish many other helicopter moms would take the hard road that you have taken to let their little ones really shine. I can't wait to hear the wonderful things he accomplishes because you are willing to step back - even when it's painful!!!! I am so sad to even think of mine being old enough for k. You are an awesome mom!!!
