Sunday, September 30, 2012

How a 4 & 7 year old explain the CFA debate

Ok, so I don't want to reopen the CFA debate...but this my stance. (Really, if you eat there, I don't judge you, it's about what you feel is right. But I feel it's important you understand that this isn't about Freedom of Speech. You can say whatever you want, but Cathy has put his money where his mouth is, and I can't support that. I went to Wesleyan College, for God's sake.)

First, let me tell you that we are frequent Publix visitors (esp when I wasn't working did some crazy couponing) and there is a Chick-Fil-A in the parking lot of said Publix. So, it was pretty common that we would shop and then go to CFA for some nuggets and/or a shake. When I went back to work, this wasn't so common, but it still happened often.

When I first saw the news of their contributions, I was like, "Is this real? Are they actively contributing to agencies that are actively fighting against gay rights or are they contributing to agencies that may also oppose gay rights?" Like the whole, "stop funding to Planned Parenthood because they do abortions (as a very small segment of what they do)!" Seriously, I hoped it wasn't true, I sincerely love CFA nuggets and polynesian sauce. It was true.

We no longer go to CFA. One day, the kids were asking why we didn't go anymore, demanding, really. So I explained to them in the easiest way I could. They responded, "Ok." and we never talked about it again.

Tonight, I got a phone call from my Mother-in-law. She told me how the kids were so wonderful on their recent visit (Fall Break), and how grown up and mature they are...ok...then she asked if Gracie told me about how she explained the Chick-Fil-A matter to her? I was immediately proud..."No, what did she say?" After her Grandma ordered chicken nuggets (from the Aquar-a-ment) Gracie, my 4 year old, told her:

Sometimes boys want to marry boys and girls want to marry girls, and Chick-Fil- A spends their money to try to stop them from getting married.

When Grandpa and Jake returned from the restroom, she asked Gracie to repeat it to Grandpa. Then Jake, my 7 year old, added:

Yeah, why do they care? Who cares? It doesn't matter to me, and it's none of
their beeswax.

Could I be more proud?? I don't think's about compassion. I want my kids to grow up with compassion and a sense of freedom.

If it's none of your beeswax, don't spend your money to stop someone from doing it. From the mouths of babes...


  1. And you just won at parenting.

    I love your kids.

    But you already know this.

  2. That is seriously awesome!
